Sunday, October 5, 2014

Opinion and Fact

          The difference between two concepts- opinion versus fact- can be very difficult to understand. When judging whether a statement can be placed into one of these two categories; people use their own opinions, hence the term “judge”.  As defined by a dictionary, an opinion is a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Compared to a fact which can be defined as a thing that is indisputably the case. Therefore, the sole way to prove that a statement is a fact is to have a unanimous opinion that the fact is correct.  Take Bigfoot for an example. There is much evidence surrounding the existence of Sasquatch and thousands of sightings. However, even though many people know Sasquatch is existent as a fact, it cannot fully be accepted as long as there are people who do not believe or disagree with the concept.  In the novel The Scarlet Letter Hester is shunned extremely by the fellow women in her community, however the book never directly refers to men doing the same.  One opinion I would like to contribute is that women tend to be bothered more particularly by other women due to the realization that they are in the same position.  They same could be said for men.  Whether or not you choose to take my opinion as fact, it’s your choice.

1 comment:

  1. Does this mean that facts are only universal opinion? Nice blog Nate! It makes you really think about peoples opinions. I like your comic strip.
